How To Choose The Right Google Ads Extensions

Learn all about Google Ads extensions, its benefits, types, and how to choose one that can help you achieve your business goals.

Google Ads extensions or PPC extensions are a great way to optimize your Google Ads or PPC ads without having to dip into your ad spend. It is one of the reasons why it is so much more popular than other pay per click (PPC) campaigns as it allows advertisers the ability to customize their search ads to stand out from their competitors. 


In fact, Google has reported that the addition of a single ad extension can increase the click through rate (CTR) between 10 to 25%. If you are already running Google Ads campaigns, why not make the most out of it using Google Ads Extensions?


What Are Google Ads Extensions?

Google Ads extensions are pieces of additional information that you can include in your ad to provide more information or to influence engagement and decisions from potential customers. Different extensions have varying purposes. They can be used to add reviews, discounts, or a brief testimonial. 


There are 19 ad extensions available on Google Ads, 11 that take a few minutes to set up manually and the other 8 are dynamic, created using data and information from your account. These extensions are not guaranteed to show up every time in your ads as it is up to Google’s algorithm depending on factors such as past extension performance and ad placement. 



Benefits of Google Ads Extensions

These extensions give advertisers more real estate on Google search engine results pages (SERPs) without costing extra. This automatically allows you to provide more information and increase your visibility on SERPs. Based on the benefits stated above, ad extensions can increase your CTR significantly. They also have other benefits such as:


Improved Ad Quality & Ad Rank

Google Ad extensions can help improve your ad quality score and by extension, your ad rank as well. Google uses several factors such as CTR, landing page experience, and relevance to determine your ad position. 


This means that the use of ad extensions automatically increases your Ad Rank as it gives Google a better variety of ad formats to include more relevant information for viewers. 


More Qualified Leads

Since Google Ad extensions provide more information to the user up-front, viewers who end up clicking on your ad are usually more qualified leads. Armed with more information, these leads engage with the ad as they already know what to expect once they land on your site. It also allows poor quality leads to self-disqualification, resulting in fewer irrelevant visitors.


This means that the use of relevant extensions results in an informed user who is more likely to go through the sales funnel, making them a high quality lead. 


Better Use of Ad Spend

Since the use of ad extensions improve your CTR, it can lower your cost per click (CPC), allowing you to get more out of your paid ad spend. A lower CPC means you are paying less per click, potentially leading to paying less per conversion.



Manual Google Ad Extensions

Manual ad extensions are those that you choose and require some degree of set up by the advertiser. Although manual extensions may require more work on your part, they are more customizable compared to automatic extensions. Here are some different types of google ad extensions:


Sitelink Extensions

One of the most common Google Ad extensions, they allow you to add additional links below your ad on the SERP, essentially working like a “mini ad”. With four available spaces to fill in, the first is the “Sitelink Text” that tells the viewer what they are clicking on, functioning similar to a headline. The second and third spaces are description lines for you to add more context while the last space is where you add in the final URL. 


It is recommended for advertisers who want to increase their CTRs as it drives traffic to the website. They can also be helpful to increase brand awareness or to display additional landing pages for your viewers. Ensure that your sitelinks point to the same domains as your ads and fill it out with keywords as much as possible. 


Callout Extensions

Popular due to its simplicity, these extensions show blurbs of text that appear after your ad descriptions. It is a great way to add more text and helps you to “call out” important information, making it suitable for any business ads. 


You can use it to build up your ad to make it look more robust while taking the opportunity to fit in more keywords to boost your Ad Rank. Callout extensions should not be repetitive as they appear right after your ad descriptions.


Structured Snippet Extensions

Structured snippets provide a quick list of offerings next to your ad’s descriptive text. Although useful for most businesses, they are commonly seen in ads that promote products or services due to the templated heading choices. When using this extension, make sure that your structured snippets conveys clearly what you offer.


Call Extensions

Made to drive more phone calls to your business, this extension attaches a phone number to your ad so searchers see your number without having to click on your landing page. This enables them to make calls directly via this Google Ad extension. 


Call extensions are recommended for most advertisers as it creates a higher quality ad that pulls interactions from users. When using this extension, be sure that you are equipped to handle incoming calls and have a system in place to track and respond to these calls.  


Location Extensions

Location extensions display an address below your ad copy, increasing foot traffic to your business.  You can choose addresses that are synced to your account from any business information available in the settings. 


Even if you do not operate from a physical location, displaying an address adds a “local touch” to your ad. Be sure to keep your address up to date especially if you choose to have location targeting parameters.


Promotion Extensions

Perfect for limited time discounts or promotions, this extension allows you to choose from a templated list of promotion types, details, and currencies. You can also choose the start and end date or to run the extension permanently.


Suitable for any advertiser, it can be customized to fit a variety of promotions and sales. Take advantage of the start and end dates as it allows you to set and forget the extension without the worry of your promotion expiring. 


Image Extensions

An extension that allows you to upload an image under the display ad, it is perfect for businesses that offer products or services that are visually appealing. With image extensions, your images must meet the quality standards of Google Ads. Google also offers tips for the best practices when using this extension. 


Lead Form Extensions

Lead form extensions are excellent for advertisers who want to increase conversions as it allows your audience to fill out a form on your ad instead of bringing them through a landing page. It is recommended for businesses looking to drive leads or collect information. This extension can take more effort to set up. Be sure to take time to get the setup right. 


Affiliate Location Extensions

Specifically designed for business with multiple locations or franchises, this templated extension allows advertisers to select from a general list of retailers and auto dealers. Once a user sees the ad, this extension shows the location of the outlet closest to them. It is recommended for those who sell products with a major retailer or dealer. 


Price Extensions

An extension that is focused on the product and offer, it allows you to list specific items along with its prices and description. This extension is recommended for any business that wants to list their prices on their products or services. Be sure to check back regularly to ensure pricing remains accurate throughout different seasons. 


App Extensions

App extensions promote the downloads of an app listed on iOS or Android. Therefore, it is recommended for businesses that already have an app to maximize app downloads across multiple campaign types. 



Automated Google Ad Extensions

With automated extensions, Google predicts which ones might improve your ad’s performance. It does not require any effort as it pulls information from your website. Also known as dynamic extensions, they require minimal oversight but are not editable. They include:


Automated Call Extensions

Similar to the manual call extension, Google Ads may automatically add a call button to your ad if your website indicates that getting calls is one of your business goals.


Automated Message Extensions

This extension is automatically added by Google Ads if one of your business goals is to receive text messages. 


Dynamic Sitelink Extensions

Similar to its manual counterpart, this extension allows users to quickly get to the specific page on your website by clicking on a link. 


Automated Location Extensions

Google adds the location extension to your ad for users to easily find your location if your website includes specific location information. 


Seller Ratings Extensions

This automated extension shows users your business’ high ratings from various reputable sources below your text ads. It generally only appears when a business has at least 150 reviews and an average rating of at least 3.5 stars.


Dynamic Callout Extensions

Google automatically shows any relevant useful information from your landing page after your ad text as part of the extension. 


Google Ads Extensions Update 2022

In September 2022, Google announced that extensions in Google Ads will be going through some changes. Any existing extensions will be automatically transitioned to assets without advertisers having to do anything. Here is a brief look at the recent update:


Rebranding From “Extensions” To “Assets”

Instead of being called Google Ads extensions, they are now called assets. This is part of the rebranding process. Although all extensions are now assets, not all assets are extensions as it can also include headlines, descriptions, images, logos, and videos for ad campaigns. 


Easier Creation Process

Previously, you had separate windows: one where you preview headlines and descriptions while the other allows you to preview your extensions, but not in combination. Now, you can preview your extensions along with your headlines and descriptions. 


Google will also recommend assets based on your campaign objectives. Any assets created in the new workflow are available for other campaigns and ad groups. 


Inclusion of Assets in Combination Report

A combination report shows you the number of impressions each asset combination is getting to give you an idea which ones are the best performers. With the rebranding, extensions that are now assets allow you to see which are getting the best impressions as well. 


Assets Report

The new update comes with a new report, known as the asset report that allows you to assess individual asset performance. It can be accessed via the “Ads & Assets” tab in the left navigation panel. 


Accessing Ad Extensions in Google Ads

If you would like to start using ad extensions, you can easily get started by signing in, locating the “Ads & Extensions” tab on the left side of the page, and clicking on “Extensions”. From here, clicking a “+” button on the top left will lead to a drop down menu that shows you the available extension options. 


Upon the creation of an Ad Extension, you will be able to see its approval status (by Google), policy data, and performance statistics in your Google Ads account. These extensions can be created and associated across campaigns or ad groups, making it much easier to build extensions quickly and efficiently. 


Now that you know more about Google Ads Assets and the various types available, all you need to do to get started is to determine what you want your target audience to do. You can then select the extension that best facilitates that action. With so many types to choose from, we understand if it becomes overwhelming. If you prefer the help of a professional digital marketing team, DDM Generation’s Google Ads experts are ready to help you make the most of your PPC budget, land quality leads, and achieve your business goals. 







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Jenna has over 9+ years of experience in the marketing space with an expertise in search marketing.