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We Help Property Management Companies Drive Leads & Close More Doors with Google Ads

Target investors and home owners in your local area. We help you drive more leads with Google and Bing Ads, (PPC) marketing.

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We don't work with your local competitors - your strategic advantage.

We only take on one property management company per market. Using marketing data and other audience signals we know how to target home owners and investors - NOT renters.

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Property Management Clients

"Impressive Growth"

"Jenna & her team have come in and helped us reduce our CPA and drive more conversions."

Blakely Hughes
-Blakely Hughes
Broker/Owner of Nest Finders

"Whatever Jenna and her team is doing, is working."

“ We’ve closed more deals from leads driven from their paid search services. We’ve seen incredible results so far. “

Lacey Photo
Lacey Ware
RedSail Property Manager
Digital Marketing Fade
Take your company to the next level.

Property Management Case Study

Lead generation is a crucial factor in growth and development of any property management company. While leads are everywhere, your company needs to stand out and be in the right place at the right time, to capture their attention.

Read how Founder & CEO, Blakely Hughes, of Nest Finders Property Management reached his lead generation goals on paid search below.

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What Is A Marketing Plan For A Property Management Company?

Gone are the days of Yellow Pages, TV commercials, billboards, and cold calling – most of the marketing strategies that once worked remarkably for property managers are now almost obsolete. Today, there are very few businesses that can survive without digital marketing. No matter if you are a new property manager or a veteran in the business, you need new clients to grow your business. With more than 150,000 property management companies in the US, digital marketing helps you stand out from other competitors. To do that, it all begins with a marketing plan.

A real estate marketing plan is a component in the business plan, with a goal of outlining the marketing strategy such as action items and desired results. It can consist of industry specific market research, selection of platforms to promote property management services, targeted messaging, and the metrics used to measure the result. Your property management marketing plan should be a living document that is regularly updated as data is gathered on current marketing efforts to reallocate funds towards sources that are the most successful and reduce your bottom line. Here are the essential components for a good marketing plan:

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Identifying Target Audience

Determine the audience you are trying to attract. It can be sellers, buyers, foreclosed homeowners, and more. Once you have a firm idea of your target audience, it becomes easier to tailor a message that gets your point across. When identifying your audience, keep in mind demographic indicators such as location, income, age, family size, etcetera.
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Clarifying Messages & Goals

Your message should resonate with your clients and sets you apart from your competitors. Additionally, set clear and attainable goals for your business. Doing this for your marketing helps you to allocate resources and provides insight to which metrics you should be tracking, serving as a roadmap for success and future direction.
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Competition & Budget

Assess what the competition is up to based on their marketing efforts, messages, and what methods are working or not working for them. Having a list of your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses will give you an idea where to start and also helps you to stay up to date on marketing trends. Spend a considerable time on determining your marketing budget as it is the biggest influence on your real estate marketing plan to ensure you do not overspend.
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Media & Distribution

Determine which media outlets you want to use to broadcast your marketing efforts. Your best bet would be to consider where the majority of your potential customers are and how to track their opinion of it. Having an informative website and establishing an online presence is arguably one of the most important pieces of any real estate marketing plan as it allows for potential customers to learn more about you.
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Milestones & Timeline

Your plan should provide an outline on how to achieve your goals, tasks, and major milestones to ensure investors and higher management you are on the right path. With milestones, monumental tasks seem possible, and your team will gain a sense of accomplishment. When it comes to a timeline, it helps to keep you on track and gauge if things are progressing as they should.
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Metrics & Review

Tracking your marketing efforts is the most important measure that is often overlooked by property managers. By tracking everything from leads, sales, website traffic, and more, you have a better idea of what methods are or are not working, allowing you to review and reallocate your funds and focusing on those that work. A good marketing plan is continuously reviewed and tweaked to ensure you are optimizing your marketing strategies.

Best Effective Marketing Channel for Property Managers

Before implementing your marketing strategies, spend some time thinking about your target audience and purpose. You should also think about your goal/s, budget, positioning, and approach. When it comes to the best marketing strategy for property managers, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective strategies to help you earn a higher return on investment (ROI). Driving quality traffic and sales in a short duration, PPC increases your online visibility and allows you to “own” more of the search engine results page. To make the most out of your PPC campaign, Google Ads is the best choice as it drives $8 for every $1 spent.

Google Ads is the most popular way for property managers to start PPC advertising as they are known for their immediate results they can generate for your company. Since Google’s search engine market share for 2022 in the USA is at 83.09%, it makes sense to advertise on Google as it is where the majority of your potential clients are at.

PPC campaigns can be set up on other channels such as social media platforms like Facebook, but there are many more benefits to using Google as it allows precise targeting of your audience, full control over how much you want to spend per click, is cost effective, and generates quick results. With Google Ads, you are increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and improving conversion rates almost instantaneously.

Here are the basic steps you need to launch your Google Ads campaign.

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Signing Up & Setting Goals

Start by getting a Google Ads account, you can do this by signing up for free. Once you have created an account, you can now start to create a campaign. Your campaign begins by setting a campaign goal. It can be to generate leads, improve sales, increase brand awareness, and more. 

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Next, you get to choose where your ads will show up. If you select the “Search Network”, your ad will show up on traditional Google searches. For the “Display Network”, you can include text, images, and videos in the ads that will appear on websites that are relevant to your industry.

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Campaign Location

Select the locations you want your ads to target such as selecting a specific city or region. You can always go back to change your preferences. For local property management companies, target your local area to avoid wasting your budget on individuals in other regions.

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Bid Strategy & Budget

There are multiple bid strategies available. For example, if your goal is to increase website traffic, you want to maximize clicks. This brings you to the average daily budget. Divide what you want to spend per month by 30.4 as this is the average number of days per month. Once you are done, clicking “save and continue” means you have just created your campaign.

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Writing Your Ad

Writing your own ad becomes more complex as you need to determine what keywords your target audience will use. Choose keywords that are relevant to your business. When writing your ad, make sure your ad is related to the keywords and write at least two ads per ad group. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
• Headline – Your headline is one of the most impactful elements. Therefore, be descriptive, relevant, and catchy.
• Final URL – This is the URL your ad leads to such as a landing page. Include words related to your chosen keywords.
Description – Keep this part concise and highlight what sets you apart from your competitors.
Ad Extensions – These help distinguish you from your competitors. Although there are many types, start by understanding call extension, location extension, and sitelinks. 

Collaborating With DDM Generation

At DDM Generation, our team of experts are ready to help your business thrive. Although setting up and launching a Google Ads campaign is easy, it must be optimized to maximize its potential. If you are having issues setting up your PPC campaigns or not getting the response you want from your ads, our team of Google Ads experts would love to help.

Per our policy, we will not be working with competitors in your market. When it comes to collaborating with us, we make the process seamless – sign on and be as involved as you want or trust us to drive you leads while you focus on running the business. Some of our Google Ads for property management services include:

  • Keyword Research & Analysis

    Effective keyword research ensures your PPC campaign is profitable. Using in-depth knowledge of the property management industry and tools, our team finds the best to help get your ads in front of qualified leads. We also keep track of keyword performance while continuously researching and optimizing your ads for new keywords.  
  • Ads on Google

    Paid search is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. Grow your business through optimized campaigns managed by our Google Ads Specialists and get instantaneous results. With years of experience running PPC campaigns, DDM Generation delivers campaigns that ensure business growth.
  • Audience Targeting

    Using data to gain insight and an in depth understanding of your business, we use our knowledge to make sure your PPC campaigns are targeting the audience you want to attract to generate quality leads.
  • Landing Page Testing

    Smart digital marketing requires a well-designed landing page that converts visitors to leads, improves paid search campaigns, and generates data and insights. Our audit and testing of your landing page gives us an idea on how best to achieve your business goals. 
  • A/B Testing

    We test your ad campaigns to see what converts best. With constant A/B testing, we tweak your ads to ensure it is always optimized. From keyword selection to ad copy, we strive to continuously improve your ads to drive better results for your property management company.
  • Remarketing Campaigns

    Retargeting past visitors has been shown to substantially increase your conversion rates. Once your remarketing audience is a substantial size, our team launches a remarketing campaign to convert them into your clients.
  • Data Consulting

    With data at our core, we use your marketing data to organize, process, and make the best business decisions from it. Pull ahead of your competition with the help of a dedicated account manager and use the data to present a story to your staff, investors, and owners.

Case Study

While we have covered most of the basics of marketing for property management, sometimes the easiest way to understand a concept is through an example. This case study shows our company’s collaboration with Nest Finders to increase their conversions by 249% year over year while reducing cost per lead.

Blakely Hughes, the owner of Nest Finders wanted to invest in search marketing and began creating campaigns, but quickly realized the time commitment it took. After trying several agencies, he decided to collaborate with DDM Generation resulting in steady growth while reducing cost-per-click via better targeted campaigns and screening out irrelevant searchers. 

A data driven company, DDM Generation has collaborated with many property management businesses across the United States. We help with advertising, website optimization, content marketing, and more. For a full list of our services, contact us or fill out our online contact form. 

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Other Marketing Channels

Since Google Ads is undoubtedly the best way to leverage your marketing efforts, here are some other marketing channels that can go hand in hand with your Google Ads marketing campaigns once it is properly set up and running successfully:

  • Search Engine Optimization

    Even with great content and excellent services, you will still need to optimize your website for search engines. SEO includes finding relevant keywords for your business, optimizing content using the keywords, and backlinking to your site. It is important to stay up to date with SEO requirements as they change periodically.Besides paid advertising campaigns, producing quality content that is engaging is a great way to make a name for your company online. Great content needs to be paired with SEO to maximize its benefits. A good example would be blog posts that can be used to help get you and your company’s name out there as a reputable and credible brand. It can also be used to improve your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) and have it rank higher in Google search results, allowing more visitors on your website. However, using SEO to rank can take a considerable amount of time, effort, and money. For SEO to be effective, it must be done right using an effective content marketing strategy that would lead to organic mentions and backlinks. However, you should know that it can take a considerable amount of time, effort, and money to use SEO to rank your website, a reason why many opt for paid advertising campaigns in the beginning to bridge the gap until their SEO strategy helps them to rank.  Remember that when it comes to your website, ensuring your customers have a good online experience on your site improves confidence and even conversion rates. Since user metrics are very important to Google, this means you should pay attention to how users interact or navigate with your website, the speed your site loads, making sure it is mobile friendly, having original content, and avoiding issues such as broken links.
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Local SEO through Google My Business

Having a Google My Business page automatically helps your page to rank within your local businesses. You should include important information that is up to date such as your company name, address, phone number, and property management website. Once available, you can start building business listings on authoritative websites. Focus on getting positive customer reviews as it helps to generate leads. Google My Business also allows you to post content such as photos, blogs, promotions, and relevant information to help you get your content out there. Finally, create a strategy to get customer reviews as it increases your ranking on Google.

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Social Media

Almost everyone is on social media nowadays, and that includes your target audience. This means social media marketing is a great option when it comes to improving social media presence, penetrating new markets, and generating leads. Cost effective and efficient, even Google monitors company social media activities, allowing you to improve your company’s online ranking.

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective online marketing method that can build trust with your potential clients and catch them at the right time. However, it all depends on your content as it has to capture their attention. The best email marketing strategy is to give your subscribers something of value – such as useful informative blog posts, visually appealing infographics, and industry insight.


Hear what our smart property management clients have to say

"Impressive Growth"

"Jenna & her team have come in and helped us reduce our CPA and drive more conversions."

Blakely Hughes
-Blakely Hughes
Broker/Owner of Nest Finders

"Whatever Jenna and her team is doing, is working."

“ We’ve closed more deals from leads driven from their paid search services. We’ve seen incredible results so far. “

Lacey Photo
Lacey Ware
RedSail Property Manager