Lead Generation Solution

In today’s world, companies are looking for ways to acquire customers at a lower cost while competitors everywhere pledge their solutions as the most efficient. In most cases, a digital lead generation strategy seeks and attracts those interested in specific products and services.

Plagued by a content-rich world, companies now need to earn their audience’s attention, resulting in the need to revamp lead generation strategies to meet the new needs of target markets.

How to acquire customers
Digital Marketing FadeDigital Marketing Fade

Why Is Lead Generation Important?

Because leads turn into customers.

Lead generation is an important factor in growth and development for a company. While leads are everywhere, your company needs to stand out and be in the right place at the right time, to capture their attention. Once you’ve captured a lead, using inbound marketing or outbound marketing tactics, you can start to personalize communication to meet the needs and share why you’re the best choice; making your company the go-to solution in their minds.

Investing in lead generation efforts ensures that your business is engaging with those most likely to buy, therefore helping to build a predictable sales pipeline and higher conversion rates. Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects (with your target audience) to your business with the goal of turning them into a customer someday.  A lead is an individual or entity who could have a potential interest in your company’s products or services. Lead generation can be very difficult. The more leads generated the more potential there is that leads turn into paying customers.

What Is A Lead To
Your Business?

A high-quality lead is someone who is committed enough to share their personal information. In other cases, leads can be purchased for you to make the initial outreach. Before investing in lead generation efforts you need to determine what a lead's value is to your business, what characteristics does a lead consist of and how much do you want to pay for a lead. 

How do you define a lead?

To define a lead, you need to know who your target market is and what makes them tick

Learn More About Lead Generation
Ideal customer profile

Create Your Ideal Customer Profile 

Defining your ideal customer profile (ICP) is an important step in the marketing process for any business. Your ideal customer profile should tell you the basics about your ideal customers.  Start by describing a customer or set of customers using demographics, company revenue, buying patterns, and other factors.
Buyer persona icon

Set Up Your Buyer Persona

This encompasses the ideas of your ideal customers based on research and data. Understanding your buyer persona helps you to tailor your products, content, and services based on the needs and concerns of your target audience. 
Increase Chart

Create Your Decision Making Unit (B2B)

A decision-making unit (DMU) is the people within an organization who play a role in the purchase decision making process. The term decision-making unit is most often found in B2B marketing but has now become popular in consumer and service applications. A decision-making unit would consist of different users, buyers, blockers, that you’ll face during the purchase decision process.

Where does lead generation start?

To begin lead generation, we need to zoom out a bit and understand the two types of approaches: inbound and outbound marketing. Outbound marketing involves reaching out to customers to get them interested in your product or service. Some examples of outbound marketing are trade shows, outbound email, cold calling. On the other hand, inbound marketing focuses on creating ways to draw people into your website. Some examples of inbound marketing ads, blogging, lead magnets, content creation, social media, webinars etc.

Lead generation ROI funnel

DDM Generation’s Approach To Lead Generation

At DDM Generation, our experience has led us to specialize in generating high quality leads through paid advertising campaigns for both B2B and B2C clients. In fact, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can be one of the best lead generation strategies you invest in.

What Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee to run ads on platforms such as Google, Bing, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and more to achieve a goal. Via these platforms, advertisers can show specific ads that motivate individuals to fill out a form, contact the company, or make a purchase. PPC can help businesses that do not rank organically, making it a great shortcut for lead generation. 

How Are Leads Generated Through PPC?

Each platform will be different for PPC in terms of capabilities and how you actually generate leads. Google Ads for example, gives you the ability to bid on keywords related to your business. Ads are shown for the keywords you bid on and an advertiser (you) only pays when leads click on them. Clicking the ad takes interested leads to the company’s landing page where further contact information could be collected. An optimized PPC lead generation strategy gets clicks from the target audience and converts these leads once they land on the website. 

Why Invest in PPC Campaigns?

Some may ask why they should bother paying if they can get their site to show up organically. The reality is that getting a website to rank organically takes a lot of time, effort, and cost. While it is definitely worth the effort, PPC ad campaigns are a great way to attract traffic and sales in the meantime. The PPC route also gives advertisers more control over the appearance of the listing and generates higher quality leads. 

PPC Statistics

PPC has only grown stronger throughout the years. In 2017, Social Media Today quoted that over 7 million advertisers invested a total of $10.01 billion for PPC ads and by 2018, 40% of brands and agencies say their PPC budget is lower than they want it to be. 

PPC can be very valuable for B2B companies with Google reporting that their average Return on Investment (ROI) for its PPC ads to be 200%. PPC ads can also boost B2B brand awareness with data from Statista showing that as many as 20% of businesses claim that these ads offer them the highest ROI out of all other digital marketing strategies.

Lead Generation Mechanics

After understanding how lead generation works, here are the main elements for the lead generation process.

Landing Page

The first page a visitor lands on has a crucial purpose – to capture leads through a form. This page explains the value of the content and how the visitor can obtain it. In this section, the lead capture occurs through a form. Remove unnecessary information that could be distracting from the call to action. Guide your reader’s action with images, colors, fonts, and bold texts. 


Hosted on landing pages, these forms collect information in exchange for an offer. As simple as it sounds, the information and method used to request can have an impact on the number of individuals filling the information out. These forms collect basic contact information such as a phone number or email address where your sales reps can reach out to qualified leads. Having an email list allows businesses to organize email campaigns where website visitors are kept in the loop about the latest developments. 

Call-To-Action (CTAs)

A CTA invites visitors to take action. Once a visitor lands on your page, a CTA helps to further your campaign. For lead generation, it navigates them to your landing page.

Managing Your Leads

Lead generation marketing campaigns can be tedious and expensive. Since each lead should be seen as a precious asset, not investing in the nurturing of leads can mean that you are not making most of the leads you have captured. Lead management tracks and optimizes your sales and marketing process to avoid turning away those who are interested in your products and services. 

Lead Scoring

This practice grades all the contacts captured by allocating points to their attributes such as your client’s professional information, company size, the position they occupy, demographic information, and more. It helps your sales and marketing team to prioritize which leads to follow up on and increase the conversion rates. The lead scoring system should be established with your sales team to ensure there is an understanding.

Lead Nurturing

Without enough data to go on about a potential lead, work on the relationship. Lead nurturing helps your company engage with your audience through content and experiences. Good examples are sending personalized emails. It is important to track and evaluate lead nurturing strategies to ensure that all possible leads are receiving some “love”. Even the leads disqualified today may be a promising lead in the future. By establishing a good relationship, your brand name pops up when your type of solution is required. 

Lead Qualification

Not every lead is ready to make a purchase. Lead qualification is an integral part of the sales process where it determines which potential clients are most likely to make an actual purchase. It ensures that your resources for sales and marketing are allocated efficiently, allowing salespeople to concentrate on the best prospects.

Lead Generation For Each Industry

Offering the best services backed by data, we help companies acquire new customers through paid advertising. No matter what industry you are in, we have advice and ideas for your niche.  

Medical & Healthcare

As medical and other healthcare fields are highly competitive, marketing is essential to reach new clients and patients. Lead generation solutions can easily help you reach your target demographics as they need these services and are actively searching online. 

Recreation & Entertainment

Marketing is crucial for recreation and entertainment as the world is now opening up after the pandemic. Many bigger companies are getting ahead with their large marketing teams to gain visibility and improve brand awareness. Lead generation solutions can play an integral part in creating original strategies and attracting new and loyal customers back to your establishment.

Tourism and Hospitality

With the majority of consumers now using the internet to plan vacations, it is vital that tourism and hospitality businesses have a strong digital presence. Even Four Seasons Langkawi Bali never stopped promoting themselves throughout the pandemic by offering online virtual tours and events. All these lead generation efforts can make a big difference in maintaining curiosity and demand for your business. 

Google Ads for Travel Agencies

Property Management

In a highly competitive field you need to separate yourself from the rest. The best lead generation solution focuses on attracting the best prospects, allowing property managers to refine their overall marketing efforts by sifting through the pool of potential clients and selecting the most qualified. 

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B2B SaaS

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) lead generation often falls into niche categories causing a difficult challenge to reach the right people. You need the right team behind you to make the most of your budget and turn visitors into leads and leads into customers. 

Target Audience
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